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The characters are Chirpy, Cam, Cam's dad, and Smoky.

The story takes place in the Kitchen,Cams Bedroom, and the Lounge.

Smoky the cat finds a cricket outside, Cam at first believes the cricket is dead

Cam gets surprised when he finds out the cricket is alive. the cricket escapes to under the dish washer. His dad annoyed him by saying "I am going to kill that bug in the morning".

in the middle of the the night Cam can't sleep because he's worried about Chirpy.

Cam later tries to save chirpy by moving the dishwasher in the kitchen but then his Dad walked in thinking cam was a burglar. the two try and move the dishwasher then Cam releases

Chirpy into the night.

I liked this story because it was interesting and detailed.

I rank this book a 3 and a half out of five.


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